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Download Video Info

You can download latest free version for your Android device from PlayStore.

Click to access the apk files.

Web Support

You can download free web support app for your Android device from PlayStore.

* It has been made compatible with new Android versions.

* Added feature to import photos from gallery in file transfer window.

* The option to access all files has been added to the apk version.

* The ability to connect and operate remotely on Android devices has been added to the apk version.

* Made compatible with new Android versions

* Added Bluetooth mouse support

* Faster entry to the list screen for companies with many computers in their list

* Fixed a bug that prevented peer-to-peer connections in some cases.

* The server has been made fully compatible with changes to ip addresses.

* Pro entitlements that had not been started were shown as blank in the list. Fixed.

* While someone was remotely connected to my computer, another authorized person in the list could not see who was connected to me. Added.

Made compatible with new android versions

* Now you can control most of samsung devices from computer.(by installing the plugin directed by the program)

* When you connect to computers with more than one monitor, you can watch the monitor you want.

* Some letters did not work in password entries on server computers. Fixed.

* When the phone was moved horizontally, the image could be stuck.Fixed.

* Added option to remove services remotely

* Numerous improvements and additions were made in different subjects.

You can give live support from your mobile phone to visitors who come to your website .

* Added screen sharing feature

* File Transfer feature added


 * You can invite other support staff to your remote session


 * Added Unicode support for correspondence fields


 * Added the ability to change group of users, password, limitations


 * Added option to show Mouse cursor on all connections


 * Fixed bug in creating new user


 * Made more compatible with tablets


 * Made compatible with blue tooth mouse


 * when the app is in the background if the private message arrives the notification is shown

* While you connected to remote screen when you send app to background than open again Problems could be experienced.Fixed.


 * When the application is closed and opened again, it can remember unatanded access paswords.


 * Made compatible with Android 7


 * Added option to see the password for encrypted groups.


 * With the option added to the list screen, you can see your registered email address and your ip and localip information

* Companies with too many users were having trouble entering the list screen. Fixed.


 * Added chat option via remote screen


 * Improved search in the list option


 * Private messaging with multiple lines option has been added


 * You can see IP, Local IP, Computer name info of services with right click option


 * Authorized users can use "Appear offline to this person" option for customer users


 * if you connect to customer user you can use the "Close the Alpemix on the other side" option from "Leave message and close" section


 * A lot of fixes and improvements have been made

  * Our Alpemix Pro application has been released for Android.


 * It has more features than the current android app.