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Video Download Info
Pardus, Ubuntu
( Beta 64 Bit x86 )

64 bit (x86)  Alpemix 1.6 ( Beta )

Setup: Unzip the file to the downloads section. (Does not work on some computers when opened directly to the desktop) Then copy it from the downloads section and paste it to the desktop. Run the file you copied to the desktop by double-clicking it.

* In some cases, there was a sorting error on the list screen. Fixed.

* If the continuous access password is defined and the relevant option is selected, the program starts automatically when the computer is logged on.

* Fixed a bug that caused the memory used by the program to constantly increase in some cases.

* It could get stuck when the internet connection went out for a very long time. Fixed.

* On some computers, the program could close when connected remotely and performing operations.Fixed.

* Fixed a bug that prevented peer-to-peer connections in some cases.

* The server has been made fully compatible with changes to ip addresses.

* Pro entitlements that had not been started were shown as blank in the list. Fixed.

* While someone was remotely connected to my computer, another authorized person in the list could not see who was connected to me. Added.

Some minor bugs fixed

* Fixed an issue where the application shut down when connecting to linux from a different device.

* When you connect to computers with more than one monitor, you can watch the monitor you want.

* Added option to remove services remotely

* "Login automatically with this user name and permanent access password when the program opens up" option has been added

* "Prevent sleep mode" option has been added

* Super admin users can also change the name that appears on the list of the service(installed with group password) from the menu.


The application was made compatible with pardus 19

  Alpemix 64 bit ( x86 ) Pardus, Ubuntu