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Alpemix for iPhone and iPad
Web Support
Alpemix Web Support for iphone and ipad

* Added feature to import photos from gallery in file transfer window.

* The app interface was not displaying properly in dark view mode. Fixed.

* Faster entry to the list screen for companies with many computers in their list

Made compatible with new ios versions

* When you connect to computers with more than one monitor, you can watch the monitor you want.

* Some letters did not work in password entries on server computers. Fixed.

* The problem a occurs when the application goes into the background while connected to the remote computer. Fixed.

* Added option to remove services remotely

* Numerous improvements and additions were made in different subjects.

You can give live support from your mobile phone to visitors who come to your website.

* File Transfer feature added


 * You can invite other support staff to your remote session


 * Added Unicode support for correspondence fields


 * Added the ability to change group of users, password, limitations


 * Added option to show Mouse cursor on all connections


 * Fixed bug in creating new user


 * Made more compatible with tablets


 * Made compatible with blue tooth mouse

* While you connected to remote screen when you send app to background than open again Problems could be experienced.Fixed.


 * When the application is closed and opened again, it can remember unatanded access paswords.


 * Added option to see the password for encrypted groups.


 * With the option added to the list screen, you can see your registered email address and your ip and localip information

* Companies with too many users were having trouble entering the list screen. Fixed.


 * Added chat option via remote screen


 * Improved search in the list option


 * Private messaging with multiple lines option has been added


 * You can see IP, Local IP, Computer name info of services with right click option


 * Authorized users can use "Appear offline to this person" option for customer users


 * if you connect to customer user you can use the "Close the Alpemix on the other side" option from "Leave message and close" section


 * A lot of fixes and improvements have been made

 Alpemix for iOS version was released.